Eva and Radan


"Our story began many years ago when my husband and I decided to get married after several years of dating. We were both already in our 30’s at the time of the wedding and definitely had plans of starting a family, albeit, not right away. I’m a teacher and wanted to find some stability in my job before having children. We definitely weren’t thinking we would have problems with conception, as many of our friends over the age of 35 had children without any problems.

When we decided, after a couple of years of marriage, to try and have a child, we ran into some problems. I wasn’t getting pregnant. Treatment prescribed by my gynecologist did not solve the problem, and I was recommended to visit a clinic for reproductive medicine and undergo a more detailed examination. After asking around for references within our network, we thankfully landed on Unica!

My husband and I were trying to conceive for some time, but with no success. The more we tried, the more complications we encountered. We thought we would never have a baby. My husband and I underwent several examinations at Unica and were ultimately recommended to undergo fertility treatment, as natural conception simply wasn’t working.

Even today I remember the heaviness of the first shock – I never thought I would be the one who wouldn’t become pregnant.

Thanks to the kind and professional approach of the doctors and nurses at Unica, our fears were soon put to rest and we decided to undergo fertility treatment (IVF). All of the staff provided answers to all our questions and took the time and care to explain to us all the intricacies of the process and the treatment. I underwent ovarian stimulation and oocyte retrieval and my husband provided his sperm. The Unica specialists then took over. I had the embryo transferred into my uterus after several days once an embryo developed.

After fourteen days the joyful news came. I was pregnant! The most beautiful period of my life began – a problem-free pregnancy until the day our baby boy Sebastian was born."

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