Menopause and Assisted Reproduction


Menopause is a natural phase in every woman’s life. It typically occurs in our late 40s or early 50s, and it is officially confirmed when 12 consecutive months pass by and we do not menstruate, but this “rule” does not apply to cases where there is some other medical issue or in cases of pregnancy. While genetics play a role in determining the age in which menopause occurs, external factors like smoking or undergoing chemotherapy can further accelerate our ovarian decline, leading to an earlier onset of menopause. 

Perimenopause is what precedes menopause, and it often kicks in during our mid-40s. Its duration can vary, spanning from a few months to several years, and during this phase, our menstrual cycle may become irregular, and we might encounter common menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes. As we transition to menopause, hormonal changes unfold, primarily marked by reduced estrogen and progesterone production in our ovaries. These lower levels are what leads to a decline in our active ovarian follicles, which play a key role in producing and releasing eggs during ovulation.
The silver lining is that, while menopause itself is an inevitable natural process in our bodies, modern fertility treatments offer ways to work around it, making pregnancy achievable even during this phase. Natural pregnancy is technically still possible during the perimenopausal phase, but the hormonal fluctuations during this period could make it very challenging, mostly because ovulation isn’t guaranteed each month. Since we no longer ovulate in the menopause phase, the sole viable option for conception is IVF with donated eggs. It’s because, as we age, the quantity, and the quality as well, of our eggs decline. If we wish to attempt IVF with our own eggs, undergoing preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is crucial to ensure that the embryos have the correct number of chromosomes.

UNICA was actually the first fertility clinic in the Czech Republic to offer an IVF treatment with donated eggs, back in 2003. Not only that, but the database of donors at our clinics is the largest in our country, which allows for perfect phenotypic matching between the egg donor and the mom-to-be. And before they become egg donors, all female candidates undergo a strict selection process, where we make sure that they are not only healthy, but that they are not carriers of any transmissible or genetically determined diseases.

Our success rates for IVF with Egg Donation, at UNICA, are notably high.  By choosing our clinics, you will be one step closer to creating the family you’ve always dreamed of!

At UNICA, we have over 30 years of experience in our field, and we’ve always been committed to offering comprehensive guidance to help our patients make an informed decision. If you suspect that you’re close to entering menopause, but you still wish to become a mom, we invite you to reach out to us promptly. Our team of experienced professionals will conduct a range of tests to assess whether you are in the early stages of menopause, and they will elaborate a unique treatment plan for your situation.

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