We have an excellent reason to celebrate!


Success comes from doing the right things. And we are thrilled that a jury of IVF Award 2020 decided that we do the right things in Unica clinics. We are pleased to be recognised for our hard work, commitment and personal effort. Together with exceptionally positive patient feedback, it has brought us not only one but two outstanding awards this year. A jury composed of leading experts in reproductive medicine awarded UNICA for Outstanding patient experience during the IVF treatment and the Best fertility blog.

A fantastic journey to parenthood

Going through fertility treatment is not always easy. This monthslong process can be psychologically and physically demanding. Therefore it has always been our mission to provide the best possible support for our patients. That’s why we introduced the unique concept combining state-of-the-art technologies and holistic approach to infertility treatment. Not only do we care about the physical health of our patients. We also strive to ensure their mental well-being is in balance. This way, we make sure our patients will not remember this period as a struggle but more as a fantastic journey to parenthood. Receiving the award of Outstanding Patient Experience during IVF Treatment is an excellent recognition of the hard work but more importantly, the dedication and passion that every UNICA team member gives into his work every day. And that made us really proud! But our patient's happiness and their dreams coming true is the biggest win for us.

When fertility experts become bloggers

We all realise that 2020 has been a challenging year for the whole world. Many of our patients faced and are still facing lockdowns. They’ve been forced to change their lifestyle and put their lives on pause. That’s when we’ve realised it is crucial to share all the essential information on how to prepare for their fertility treatments. Remotely and safely in the comfort of their home. Our team of experts, including doctors, psychologists, embryologists and nutritionists, stepped in and put a considerable effort into creating many helpful articles and videos that are regularly shared on the Unica fertility blog. These articles and videos became generous support to all our patients and make their lives and IVF journeys a little bit easier every day. Receiving a Best fertility blog award is the icing on the cake.

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