Unica wins in the Best Website category and is recommended as a clinic with an excellent patient experience


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The European Fertility Society awards clinics, organizations, professionals and products that have achieved the best results in infertility treatment. This year, a total of 28 independent international jurors representing all areas of reproductive medicine sat on the Fertility Care Award jury. We are delighted that the Unica clinic received an award and an important acknowledgement from them. Unica became a winner of the Best Web category. We are constantly working on our website and improving it to make it easier for patients to prepare for treatment. They can get a lot of information in the comfort of their home before the actual visit to the clinic. Even during the treatment, they have the opportunity to use unique patient zones on our website, where they receive the most up-to-date information about the treatment development. For patients wanting to prepare their bodies for pregnancy or increase the chance of conceiving, we have created an entirely new section of our website dedicated to a holistic approach to infertility treatment. 

The Fertility Care Award judges also recommended Unica as an IVF clinic with Outstanding Patient Experience. We believe that our patients' maximum possible comfort and mental well-being is one of the most important factors in infertility treatment. 

We realize that sometimes the journey to parenthood might be difficult for some patients, so we want to make it as easy as possible for them. That is why we take pride in the caring approach, attentive staff, the most modern technologies available and holistic IVF care.

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